penn state

  • Looking Back: Meeting a Mega-Hiker

    In about two weeks, I will finish taking my last semester of college classes and graduate from Penn State with a journalism degree. I spent a lot of my time in college writing, but not much time maintaining a blog or promoting my work. With that in mind, my next several posts will be pieces…

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  • This I Believe

    Last year, I wrote and recorded a ‘This I Believe” statement for the local public radio station here in State College. For a variety of reasons, I never made it to the WPSU office to record my piece, so instead I think I will just post it here: “I believe in being a collector, even…

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  • Early Spring Hike: Tussey Mountain Trail

    Early spring can be a rough time for hikers and lovers of the outdoors here in Central PA. The snow is melting, leaving the trees bare and brown, but the first green signs of spring’s arrival haven’t surfaced yet. It would be easy to give up on getting outside until the last vestiges of winter…

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  • A Gray Penn State Winter

    [youtube=]My friend Ivan and I spent a couple hours collecting footage for a timelapse video. Everything here was shot on the Penn State campus or in downtown State College. For our first try, we’re pretty pleased with how it turned out. There will definitely be more to come.

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